Sunday, February 10, 2013

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But the Popes woulde prove that they may give and bestowe kingdomes upon whome they please, by Samuels example that annoynted Hazaell Kinge of Siria insteade of Benhadad, and Jehu Kinge of Israeli insteade of Jehoram; as, also, by the example of Jehoada, the highe preste, that put the Queene Athalia to deathe, and placed Joas, the younge sonne of Ochosias in the kingdome He should have remembred the worde of our Saviour, whoe saieth: Beatius est dare quam accipere it is a blessed thinge to give rather then to receaveAt London, Paris, Constantinople, Berlin, nothing, not the Michael Kors Outlet Online least shock Also turqueses and greate aboundance of perles, which as they declared michael kors sale unto us they tooke oute of oysters, whereof there is taken ever alonge the rivers side and amongest the reedes michael kors sale handbags and in the marishes, in so marvelous aboundance as it is scante credibleAnd if any man woulde objecte, that if by his weakenes he had loste the treasure of the West Indies, yet the riches michael kors sale of the Easte Indies woulde holde upp his heade; I answer, that those contries beinge so farr of, and suche naturall malice Michael Kors Outlets beinge betweene the Portingale and the Spaniarde, as greater cannot be, that it is not possible for him to holde those partes no more than the other, wantinge the treasure of the West Indies to supporte his garrisons both there and in Christendome againste his manifolde and mightie enemyes Nicholl to the United States

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